მომხმარებლის განხილვა:პაატა შ/არქივი 4

ბოლო კომენტარი: 11 წლის წინ დატოვა მომხმარებელმა Zangala თემაში თარგი

ძვირფასო პაატა! თქვენ გაიმარჯვეთ 2011 წლის კონკურსში ნომინაციაში „წლის ფოტოგრაფი“! --Melberg; 15:04, 1 იანვარი 2012 (UTC) პაატა, განიჭებ ამ ვიკიორდენს ლიბიის ვიკიპროექტში შეტანილი წვლილისათვის! — მიხეილ მიწერა 20:20, 28 ნოემბერი 2012 (UTC)

Translation notification: Grants:Start

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ru on Meta. The page Grants:Start is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is მაღალი.

This is the Wikimedia Foundation's new grants portal, which is planned to launch this Wednesday (January 16). It includes the new Individual Engagement Grants program, which finances projects by individual Wikimedians. Please help making it easier for non-English speakers to learn about these funding options, by providing a translation. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [1]. You can manage your subscription at [2].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 02:10, 15 იანვარი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Fundraising 2012/Translation/Drop down banner

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ru on Meta. The page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Drop down banner is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is მაღალი. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-01-27.

Testing for the 2012/13 international fundraiser will be picking back up again towards the end of January as part of the Foundations new all-year round fundraising strategy.


This request will help us use a new style banner that we want to test in the top ten language.

If you have any question you can send an email to jseddon wikimedia.org or go to my user talk page:


Thank you all for your ongoing support :)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 14:09, 20 იანვარი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, December 2012

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და ru on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, December 2012 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is საშუალო.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, Identi.ca and project village pumps. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [3]. You can manage your subscription at [4].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 08:05, 29 იანვარი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Wikipeidia Education Program: Walaa post

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და ru on Meta. The page Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Wikipeidia Education Program: Walaa post is available for translation. You can translate it here:

This is the text for a blog post that will be published (together with the translation) at https://blog.wikimedia.org/ . If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [5]. You can manage your subscription at [6].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:03, 13 თებერვალი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Wikipeidia Education Program: Walaa post

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და ru on Meta. The page Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Wikipeidia Education Program: Walaa post is available for translation. You can translate it here:

This is the text for a blog post that will be published (together with the translation) at https://blog.wikimedia.org/ . If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [7]. You can manage your subscription at [8].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 13:49, 13 თებერვალი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, January 2013

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და ru on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, January 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is საშუალო.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, Identi.ca and project village pumps. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [9]. You can manage your subscription at [10].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 04:44, 18 თებერვალი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Template:OurProjects

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და ru on Meta. The page Template:OurProjects is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is დაბალი. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-03-31.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:54, 20 თებერვალი 2013 (UTC)



პაატა, ვიკიპედიელები გილოცავთ დაბადების დღეს, მრავალს დაესწარი, გისურვებ ყოველივე საუკეთესოს! – BruTe () 08:50, 1 მარტი 2013 (UTC)პასუხი

გილოცავ პაატა, წარმატებებს და წინსვლას გისურვებ.--Γεώργιος / - 08:54, 1 მარტი 2013 (UTC)პასუხი
გილოცავ, გილოცავ. Deu. 09:18, 1 მარტი 2013 (UTC)პასუხი
გილოცავ პაატა ! მრავალს დაესწარი, საუკეთესო სურვილებით, – ოთოჯი განხილვა 10:26, 1 მარტი 2013 (UTC)პასუხი

ვუერთდები მოლოცვებს, წარმატებები. --ჯაბა ლაბაძე 15:19, 1 მარტი 2013 (UTC)პასუხი

გილოცავ პაატა, წარმატებებს გისურვებ! — მიხეილ მიწერა 17:33, 1 მარტი 2013 (UTC)პასუხი
პაატა გილოცავ! მრავალს დაესწარი--დათო1010   17:34, 1 მარტი 2013 (UTC)პასუხი
გილოცავ პაატა ! მრავალს დაესწარი, საუკეთესო სურვილებით,— G.G. 18:26, 1 მარტი 2013 (UTC)პასუხი

უღრმესი მადლობა ყველას :) --პ.შეთეკაური განხილვაწვლილი 18:19, 4 მარტი 2013 (UTC)პასუხი

Translation notification: FDC portal/CentralNotice2013-1

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და ru on Meta. The page FDC portal/CentralNotice2013-1 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is მაღალი.

This banner will invite logged-in editors on all projects to participate in the current public review phase about funding requests by 4 Wikimedia organizations. Around 2.6 million US dollars of donation money are available in this FDC round. (Questions about the translation notification system can be asked at [11], and you can manage your subscription at [12].)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 06:48, 5 მარტი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Fundraising 2012/Translation/Thank you letter

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და ru on Meta. The page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Thank you letter is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is მაღალი. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-03-30.

The thank you letter has been had minor formatting changes and some changes to the text however the work is only minor and shouldn't :) Thank you again

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 02:28, 14 მარტი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Fundraising 2012/Translation/Thank you letter

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და ru on Meta. The page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Thank you letter is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is მაღალი. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-03-28.

Minor update to this translation with some changes in formatting. Should be fairly minor changes needed. Thanks guys :)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 02:33, 14 მარტი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, February 2013

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და ru on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, February 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is საშუალო.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, Identi.ca and project village pumps. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [13]. You can manage your subscription at [14].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 04:26, 14 მარტი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: FDC portal/CentralNotice2013-2

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და ru on Meta. The page FDC portal/CentralNotice2013-2 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is მაღალი.

These banners are for a "last call" inviting logged-in editors on all projects to participate in the current public review phase (until March 31) about funding requests by 4 Wikimedia organizations, for around 1.3 million US dollars of donation money. (Questions about the translation notification system can be asked at [15], and you can manage your subscription at [16].)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 13:45, 27 მარტი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Turning off outdated skins

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და ru on Meta. The page Turning off outdated skins is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is მაღალი. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-04-12.

Please translate to help inform non-English-language users about some important changes that will affect some users across all of our wikis. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [17]. You can manage your subscription at [18].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 19:16, 28 მარტი 2013 (UTC)

ენის ბმულები


გამარჯობა. ინტერვიკების ახალი სისტემა გვაქვს, სტატიებში აღარ ვსვამთ სხვაენოვანი ვიკიპედიის ლინკს. აქ მაქვს ახსნილი, თუ როგორ დავამატოთ ქართული ენა ბმულებში--შოთა [UT] 11:22, 4 აპრილი 2013 (UTC)პასუხი

Translation notification: Fundraising 2012/Translation/Drop down banner

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული on Meta. The page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Drop down banner is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is მაღალი. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-04-12.

URGENT: New languages needed for new fundraising banner

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 13:06, 5 აპრილი 2013 (UTC)



სალამი. ანონიმებს გამარჯობის თარგს არ ვუწერთ. --H.McC. განხილვაწვლილი 09:14, 10 აპრილი 2013 (UTC)პასუხი

Translation notification: Free knowledge based on Creative Commons licenses

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და ru on Meta. The page Free knowledge based on Creative Commons licenses is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is მაღალი.

Hello, please translate this very important brochure to explain the free content nature of Wikimedia projects. You can take your time to translate it, but your translation can have a long-term impact.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 12:22, 10 აპრილი 2013 (UTC)



გამარჯობა პაატა, შენს მიერ დაწერილ მრავალ სტატიაში მხვდება ასეთი რამ: უცხოური ვიკიდან მცირე ტექსტია ნათარგმნი,ხოლო ლიტერატურა კი მთლიანადაა გადმოტანილი, ეს კი ჩემი აზრით სტატიის ვიზუალური მხარისთვის ცუდია და იქნებ რამე მოუხერხო ან ლიტერატურის ნაწილი გადმოიტანო ხოლმე, ან კიდევ ტექსტიც ცოტა მეტი გადათარგმნო (ეს მხოლოდ მეგობრული თხოვნაა).--გიორგი / მომწერე 08:57, 12 აპრილი 2013 (UTC)პასუხი

ვთვლი რომ არასწორი მიდგომა გაქვს, ვთარგმნით იმდენს რამდენიც შეგვიძლია მარა ლიტერატურა და წყაროები მაქსიმალურად ხელმისაწვდომი უნდა იყოს. იმისთვის რომ ნებისმიერ მომხმარებელს შეეძლოს სურვილის შემთხვევაში მაქსიმალური ინფორმაციის მოძიება, რისი ხელშეწყობაც ვიკიპედიის მთავარი მიზანია. პატივისცემით --პ.შეთეკაური განხილვაწვლილი 12:16, 12 აპრილი 2013 (UTC)პასუხი
გასაგებია პაატა, მაგრამ სტატიაში ტექსტზე მეტი რომ ლიტერატურაა მაგაზე ვამბობ მხოლოდ, თორემ ისე რა თქმა უნდა იყო მაგრამ შესაბამისობაში ჩემი აზრით.--გიორგი / მომწერე 14:10, 12 აპრილი 2013 (UTC)პასუხი

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, March 2013

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და ru on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, March 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is საშუალო.

Please help non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, Identi.ca and project village pumps. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [19]. You can manage your subscription at [20].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 19:46, 12 აპრილი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is მაღალი. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-04-26.

Please translate to help inform non-English-language users about the important upcoming Wikimedia Foundation elections, including those for the Board of Trustees and the Funds Dissemination Committee . If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [21]. You can manage your subscription at [22].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 20:33, 18 აპრილი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Requests for comment/Activity levels of advanced administrative rights holders/Global message

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page Requests for comment/Activity levels of advanced administrative rights holders/Global message is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2013-04-23.

Using Global message delivery, this message will be sent to all Wikimedia community discussion pages.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 13:55, 21 აპრილი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Try out the alpha version of the VisualEditor, now in 15 languages

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to რუსული on Meta. The page Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Try out the alpha version of the VisualEditor, now in 15 languages is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is მაღალი. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-04-25.

This translation request is for an upcoming blog post for publication on http://blog.wikimedia.org. The post is about the alpha release of the new VisualEditor and will inform the various language communities that the VisualEditor will be available for the first time on their project! If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [23]. You can manage your subscription at [24].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 23:25, 23 აპრილი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Single User Login finalisation announcement/Personal announcement

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page Single User Login finalisation announcement/Personal announcement is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is მაღალი. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-05-13.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 08:23, 1 მაისი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Fundraising 2012/Translation/Thank you letter

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული on Meta. The page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Thank you letter is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is საშუალო. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-05-18.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 19:04, 6 მაისი 2013 (UTC)



პაატა, ინფოდაფაში(სტატია ახალგაზრდა ქვრივი) პოსტერი დავაყენე, მაგრამ არ გამოჩნდა და რატომ? ინგლისური ვერსიიდან გადმოვაკოპირე სურათი. --07.05.Geo david განხილვაწვლილი 10:58, 7 მაისი 2013 (UTC)2013პასუხი

ბოლო ცვლილებები შეიტანა ‎Henry McClean -მა, ნახე როგორ გააკეთა და მიხვდები, --პ.შეთეკაური განხილვაწვლილი 11:39, 7 მაისი 2013 (UTC)პასუხი

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, April 2013

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, April 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is საშუალო.

Please help non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, Identi.ca and project village pumps. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [25]. You can manage your subscription at [26].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 23:47, 25 მაისი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Voter e-mail

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Voter e-mail is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is მაღალი. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-06-03.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 03:07, 28 მაისი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: User:SamoaBot/Wikidata Summary/translate

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page User:SamoaBot/Wikidata Summary/translate is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is დაბალი.

It is a new and improved version of User:Addbot/Wikidata Summary, featuring full support for "plural" directives and a new "$user" variable. We are working on enabling these summaries for all "new-generation" interwiki bots.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 07:57, 28 მაისი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Translation/SecurePoll

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Translation/SecurePoll is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is მაღალი. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-06-06.

We could greatly use your help doing some quick translations for the SecurePoll (voting) interface that will be used for this years Board and FDC elections. The translation consists of a short, 2 sentence, intro for the vote and 3 short 'titles' saying which vote or question they will be on. The page also lists the candidates for each election which do not need to be translated but can be transliterated if that makes sense for your language/script. Thank you! If you have any questions please feel free to ask on the Elections talk page.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:28, 3 ივნისი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Translation/SecurePoll

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Translation/SecurePoll is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is მაღალი. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-06-06.

Please accept my apologies for the second notification. Because of the importance of the election and 2 new sentences that need to be translated we decided it was worth it to message everyone again. Please double check to make sure everything in your language is translated!

If you can please also translate the Central Notice banners that will alert people that the election has started (and when results are ready). So that we do not have to send out another notice you can find those translations:

Here (for the voting banner)

Here (for the results banner)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 02:06, 6 ივნისი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Announcement Universal Language Selector

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page Announcement Universal Language Selector is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is საშუალო. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-06-11.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 21:37, 7 ივნისი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, May 2013

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, May 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is საშუალო.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, Identi.ca and project village pumps. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [27]. You can manage your subscription at [28].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 18:36, 13 ივნისი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: PRISM

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page PRISM is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is მაღალი. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-06-18.

Hi translators,

the Wikimedia Foundation legal team has just published this page, asking the Wikimedia community to comment on whether they should take any action with regards to the recently uncovered PRISM surveillance scandal.

I'll greatly appreciate your involvement & contributions to have this page translated into as many languages as possible as well as popularised as widely as possible — please let your communities know about this so we can make the most use of this consultation period.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 15:21, 15 ივნისი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Admin activity review/2013/Notice to communities

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page Admin activity review/2013/Notice to communities is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2013-07-20.

This text will be used to inform communities which will be affected by the new global Admin activity review process which is carried out by stewards. You can also translate the page about the review itself. In order to ensure the global community understands what is happening, your translations will be very helpful.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 01:54, 16 ივლისი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Admin activity review/2013/Notice to communities

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page Admin activity review/2013/Notice to communities is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2013-07-20.

This text will be used to inform communities which will be affected by the new global Admin activity review process which is carried out by stewards. You can also translate the page about the review itself. In order to ensure the global community understands what is happening, your translations will be very helpful.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 01:56, 16 ივლისი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, June 2013

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, June 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is საშუალო.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 16:44, 19 ივლისი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Admin activity review/2013/Notice to inactive right holders

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page Admin activity review/2013/Notice to inactive right holders is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2013-08-10.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 03:44, 4 აგვისტო 2013 (UTC)

თარგის ჩასმა


გამარჯობა პაატა. მიუხედავად იმისა, რომ {{თარგი:ნევა}} იგივე რეზულტატს იძლევა რასაც {{ნევა}}, მაინც მეორე ვარიანტს გირჩევ. :) --JABA 1977 09:33, 19 აგვისტო 2013 (UTC)პასუხი

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, July 2013

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, July 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is საშუალო.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:30, 31 აგვისტო 2013 (UTC)

კატეგორია:სსრკ უმაღლესი საბჭოს VII მოწვევის დეპუტატები


კატეგორია:სსრკ უმაღლესი საბჭოს VII მოწვევის დეპუტატები — თუ შეგიძლია გასწორება, გთხოვ გამისწორო ენათშორისო ბმულები შემეშალა. მადლობა.--ცანგალა () 08:40, 18 ნოემბერი 2013 (UTC)პასუხი

გავასწორე მგონი --პ.შეთეკაური განხილვაწვლილი 08:49, 18 ნოემბერი 2013 (UTC)პასუხი

Translation notification: Grants:Index/Eligibility requirements

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page Grants:Index/Eligibility requirements is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Dear translators,

I have updated the Eligibility Requirements page for the Project and Event Grants program, and re-organized the information to be more readable, as well as easier to translate.

Your help in bringing this information to different language communities has tremendous value: many people are timid about grants, and having to digest all this relatively-formal information in English makes it even more scary.

Your translations can help more Wikimedians apply for funding, and thereby enable more awesome work to take place around the world. Thank you for your valuable efforts!

Asaf Bartov, Grantmaking team, WMF

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 22:00, 2 დეკემბერი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Grants:Index/Eligibility requirements

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page Grants:Index/Eligibility requirements is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Dear translators,

I have updated the Eligibility Requirements page for the Project and Event Grants program, and re-organized the information to be more readable, as well as easier to translate.

Your help in bringing this information to different language communities has tremendous value: many people are timid about grants, and having to digest all this relatively-formal information in English makes it even more scary.

Your translations can help more Wikimedians apply for funding, and thereby enable more awesome work to take place around the world. Thank you for your valuable efforts!

Asaf Bartov, Grantmaking team, WMF

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 22:02, 2 დეკემბერი 2013 (UTC)



თარგს ნუ ამოიღებ, რადგან ავტორს ვთხოვე მისი შევსება.--ცანგალა () 10:49, 4 დეკემბერი 2013 (UTC)პასუხი

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, November 2013

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, November 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is საშუალო.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 02:37, 12 დეკემბერი 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Fundraising/Translation/Thank you email 20131202

Hello პაატა შ,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to ქართული და რუსული on Meta. The page Fundraising/Translation/Thank you email 20131202 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is მაღალი. The deadline for translating this page is 2014-01-02.

Thank you for your help translating this 'Thank you letter' from the Wikimedia Foundation's Executive Director Sue Gardner into your language.

If you have any questions, please post them on my talk page https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Jrobell

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 22:33, 12 დეკემბერი 2013 (UTC)
პაატა შ/არქივი 4-ის მომხმარებლის გვერდზე დაბრუნება.