Whatamidoing (WMF)
შემოერთების თარიღი: 28 აგვისტო 2013
ბოლო კომენტარი: 4 წლის წინ დატოვა მომხმარებელმა Mehman97
Hello Whatamidoing, I'm writing to you about your comms on village pump. At the moment I don't see any problems, in particular, there are clearly no problems on the first and third points. As for the second point, I didn't understand exactly what you mean, for example, the response to a specific comment should look like comms on Facebook? (If so, then it doesn't work like that) In any case, we are currently satisfied with the work of the tool. Sincerely, --Mehman 97 18:48, 13 აგვისტო 2020 (UTC)
- Hello, @Mehman97, and thanks for the question. I mean this: If you find a comment, and the [ reply ] button isn't present (just for that one comment or one section, but it's present for the rest of the page) and you think editors would want it, or if you find a comment with a [ reply ] button, but the button doesn't work when you click it, please tell me about that. The Editing team wants to find all of the problems (like the Reply tool not understanding the LTR template) that make it difficult to use.
- I'm glad that the Reply tool is satisfactory here. Today, the Editing team tried to shift the back end to a new API. This change should be invisible to editors. The new API is still not working. So they are struggling with that problem right now. Fortunately, when the new API broke today, an editor noticed and told them immediately, so they were able to turn on the old API again, before it caused more problems. Whatamidoing (WMF) განხილვაწვლილი 23:33, 13 აგვისტო 2020 (UTC)
- Thanks for the clarification, at the moment there are no problems. Mehman 97 23:55, 13 აგვისტო 2020 (UTC)