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English: The Wu Family Reception Hall, early 17th century

Unknown artist, China Wood, ceramic, tile, plaster, lacquer, stone


This three-bay reception hall was originally part of a traditional Suzhou-style courtyard house located in the east Dongting district near the present town of Dongshan. Built in the early 1700s by the Wu family, it served as the main ceremonial hall (zhongtang) of a traditional upper-class home. It was a public space where elders carried out rituals honoring their ancestors, received guests, entertained family and friends, and celebrated family events like birthdays, anniversaries, and weddings. As the most important room in a Confucian household, it was set with grand examples of fine furniture, hung with calligraphic panels declaring Confucian values, and decorated with fine-art objects to express the social status and wealth of the family as well as its cultural refinement and artistic taste.
თარიღი the early 1700s
წყარო https://collections.artsmia.org/art/9413/the-wu-family-reception-hall-china
ავტორი unknown artisans. Photo by museum


w:ka:Creative Commons
ეს ფაილი ვრცელდება Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International ლიცენზიით.
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  • შექმნათ დაფუძნებულები – ნამუშევრის შესწორება
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  • მოხსენიება – თქვენ უნდა მიუთითოთ წყაროს შემქმნელი იმ გზით, რომელიც დანიშნა ავტორმა ან საავტორო უფლებების მფლობელმა. მაგრამ არა ისე, თითქოს წყაროს ავტორი მხარს გიჭერთ თქვენ ან დაუჭირა თქვენს მიერ შექმნილ ნაწარმოებს.


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დააწკაპუნეთ თარიღზე/დროზე ფაილის დასათვალიერებლად, როგორც ის მაშინ გამოიყურებოდა.

მიმდინარე07:41, 18 მარტი 2019მინიატურა 07:41, 18 მარტი 2019 ვერსიისთვის3 999×3 120 (2,1 მბ)Tillman{{Information |description ={{en|1=The Wu Family Reception Hall, early 17th century Unknown artist, China Wood, ceramic, tile, plaster, lacquer, stone GIFT OF RUTH AND BRUCE DAYTON 98.61.1 G218 This three-bay reception hall was originally part of a traditional Suzhou-style courtyard house located in the east Dongting district near the present town of Dongshan. Built in the early 1700s by the Wu family, it served as the main ceremonial hall (zhongtang) of a traditional upper-class home. It...

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  • გამოყენება en.wikipedia.org-ში
