ფაილი:Brunt Ice Shelf and the Dawson-Lambton penguin colony ESA24690516.jpeg

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English: These images from Copernicus Sentinel-2 show the before and after of the massive slab of ice that broke away from the Brunt Ice Shelf. The image on the left shows cracks and chasms of the ice shelf on 25 October 2022, while the image on the right shows the ice berg breaking away from the ice shelf on 24 January 2023.
Concerns had been expressed that the Dawson-Lambton penguin colony near the breakaway could have been affected. The Sentinel-2 imagery from 2022 shows the guano, or penguin excrement, to be on the ice platform that still remains intact.
Read the full story: Giant iceberg breaks away from Antarctic ice shelf
თარიღი 25 იანვარი 2023 (upload date)
წყარო Brunt Ice Shelf and the Dawson-Lambton penguin colony
ავტორი European Space Agency
სხვა ვერსიები
Observing the Earth


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მიმდინარე01:46, 26 იანვარი 2023მინიატურა 01:46, 26 იანვარი 2023 ვერსიისთვის1 920×1 080 (1,04 მბ)OptimusPrimeBot#Spacemedia - Upload of https://www.esa.int/var/esa/storage/images/esa_multimedia/images/2023/01/brunt_ice_shelf_and_the_dawson-lambton_penguin_colony/24690505-1-eng-GB/Brunt_Ice_Shelf_and_the_Dawson-Lambton_penguin_colony.jpg via Commons:Spacemedia

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