მომხმარებელი:Agentt Smith/სავარჯიშო6: განსხვავება გადახედვებს შორის

შიგთავსი ამოიშალა შიგთავსი დაემატა
ხაზი 37:
მხარდამჭერები პეროს მიიჩნევდნენ „საქმის კაცად, რომელსაც საქმის გაკეთება შეეძლო და [რომელიც] თავისიანებზე ზრუნავდა“. ისინი გაბრაზებულნი იყვნენ პრეზიდენტ [[ჯორჯ ჰერბერტ უოკერ ბუში|ბუშზე]], რომელმაც გადაუხვია თავის პირობას, არ აეწია გადასახადები. [[The New York Times]] წერდა, რომ პეროს „ხატოვანი, „ტყვეებს არ ვიყვანთ“ პიროვნება და ანტი-პოლიტიკური პოლიტიკა“ მიმზიდველი იქნებოდა „გაბრაზებული და იმედგაცრუებული ელექტორატისთვის“. [[რესპუბლიკური პარტია (აშშ)|რესპუბლიკური პარტიის]] კონსულტანტმა, [[კარლ როუ]]მ პერო დაახასიათა, როგორც „გამოუცდელი, ველური კაცი“.
პერო არ იღებდა 5 დოლარზე მეტ შემოწირულობას და აცხადებდა, რომ თავად აპირებს კამპანიის დაფინანსებას. პირველ თვეში მან 400 000 დოლარი დახარჯა, თუმცა ძირითადად გზავნილებს ტელევიზიით ავრცელებდა – მათ შორის 18 მარტის გამოსვლას ეროვნულ პრეს-კლუბში, რომელიც [[C-SPAN]]-ის ეთერში გავიდა.
პერო არ იღებდა 5 დოლარზე მეტ შემოწირულობას
But Republican consultant Karl Rove characterized Perot as an "untested wild man".[18] He rejected any financial donations for more than $5,[19] and stated that he would personally fund a potential campaign.[20] Perot spent $400,000 of his own money in the first month,[21] however, he largely spread this message via television, capped by a March 18 National Press Club speech, which aired on C-SPAN.[22]
=== ბიულეტენში ჩაწერის უფლების მოპოვების მცდელობები ===
"Draft Perot" organizations opened throughout the nation, and petition drives were coordinated largely by Perot's friend Tom Luce,[23] and the real estate arm of Perot Systems,[24] to help secure a place for the candidate on every state ballot. At the height of the efforts, 18,000 simultaneous calls came into Perot's telephone banks after he appeared on the Phil Donahue Show.[25] At one point, 30,000 telephone calls were received in one hour.[26] MCI Communications Corporation reported that over a million calls came in during the first ten days that the phone banks were active.[25] At the time, presidential polls showed Perot with 21% support from the electorate, 14 points behind likely Democratic presidential nominee Bill Clinton and 16 points behind President Bush. Despite this, only one third of potential voters knew enough about Perot to form an opinion of him.[27] A large segment of his support came from Reagan Democrats, entrepreneurs[1] and suburban conservatives deemed "Perot Republicans", who agreed with the central theme of his campaign, though they disagreed with his pro-choice stance on abortion.[28] Political newcomers were also involved in the volunteer efforts.[29]
Twenty-five states required that a presidential candidate have a running mate to appear on the ballot. As a result, Perot named retired Vice Admiral James B. Stockdale, who had been awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions during 7+1⁄2 years of captivity as a POW during the Vietnam War, as his "interim" running mate in late March.[16] Stockdale would remain in the position throughout the campaign. A Boston Globe report suggested that Boston University President John Silber was also considered as a running mate.[30] During an Associated Press interview in April, Perot commented that he might begin a campaign before his supporters achieved ballot access in all states.[31] In New York, ballot access appeared to be the most difficult to attain. In a five-week summer period, the campaign would be required to compile 20,000 signatures from non-primary voters, including 100 from each of half of the state's Congressional districts.[32] Perot conceded that he might not appear on the state's ballot, but stated that he may run anyway.[31]
Throughout April, the draft efforts continued, and Perot appeared on talk shows, discussing his plans and positions on political issues.[33] During an appearance on Larry King Live, Perot stated that he was closer to a decision on a potential campaign, and that he was willing to spend $100 million of his own money to finance it.[34] On the Today Show he was interviewed by Katie Couric, and proposed to cut Medicare and Social Security for "people who don't need it".[33] He appeared on Face the Nation later in the month, and argued that wealthy Americans should spend more than average Americans to eliminate the budget deficit.[35] His budget numbers were contested by Tim Russert on Meet the Press, during a heated interview, after which, a frustrated Perot considered dropping out of the race.[23] C-SPAN ran a speech by Perot, where he announced that he hoped to run a campaign without "political pros"[36] to avoid the "dirty tricks"[36] of past campaigns. After this appearance, campaign consultant Raymond Strother explained to Perot that professionals such as pollster Mark Penn were essential to a successful campaign.[36] In late April, Perot hired former Chicago Tribune editor James Squires as press spokesman to handle the large volume of interview requests from the media.[37] At the end of the month, Perot realized that he had spent too much time visiting talk shows, and announced that he would spend his next few weeks focusing on the issues.[38]
== სქოლიო ==