გლობალური გამოყენება "ფაილი:Capitol photo 1846 plumbe.jpg"-თვის
ეს გვერდი აჩვენებს სხვა ვიკი-პროექტებში გამოყენებულ ფაილებს. თქვენ აგრეთვე შეგიძლიათ მოიძიოთ ეს ინფორმაცია ფაილის გვერდის აღწერის ქვემო ნაწილში.
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- Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History
- Origins of the Fifth Amendment
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- History of Larimer County, Colorado
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- The History of the Dividing Line
- A Nation of Immigrants
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- The Fall of the House of Labor
- Black Workers' Struggle for Equality in Birmingham
- Ravenswood: The Steelworkers' Victory and the Revival of American Labor
- Forced into Glory
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- The History of the United States of America 1801–1817
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- User:Aude/photos
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- The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography
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- O Strange New World
- And Their Children After Them (Maharidge and Williamson book)
- Ashes to Ashes (Kluger book)
- The Last Fine Time