ჩუქჩები: განსხვავება გადახედვებს შორის

[შემოწმებული ვერსია][შეუმოწმებელი ვერსია]
შიგთავსი ამოიშალა შიგთავსი დაემატა
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ხაზი 160:
==== ქურდობა ====
<blockquote>მისაგებიმისაღები მსგავსი დანაშაულისა იყო ან ფიზიკური შეჯიბრი ან ფულადი ანაზღაურება. გადასახადის ოდენობა უნდა ყოფილიყო მოპარული ნივთისა და გარკვეული ნამატის ოდენობის შესაბამისი. თუ დამნაშავე დაჟინებით უარყოფდა დანაშაულს მისგან ძნელი ხდებოდა ანაზღაურების ან თვით მოპარული დივთის მიღება, და საქმეები მონაწილე მხარეების განძლეობაზე ხდებოდა დამოკიდებული. ცნობილია ასეთი შემთხვევა:</blockquote><blockquote>"One reindeer-breeder, a man of peaceful temper, lost a group of reindeer,</blockquote><blockquote>nine in number, which strayed away from the herd, as reindeer often do, and</blockquote><blockquote>could not be found. It appeared afterwards that they had gone to the herd</blockquote><blockquote>of one of the neighboring camps, and had been appropriated by the master.</blockquote><blockquote>His own camp assistant gave information of the fact; but the offender was</blockquote><blockquote>obstinate, and denied it till the end. Then the wronged man became angry,</blockquote><blockquote>and sent his people to seek retribution. His son and one of his neighbors</blockquote><blockquote>visited the herd of the offender in the latter's absence, and took from it two</blockquote><blockquote>strong driving-reindeer, one young buck well broken, and three reindeer of</blockquote><blockquote>the average sort. They said to the herdsmen, "Go and tell the master that</blockquote><blockquote>we did this". Still this was not enough. The next day they visited the camp</blockquote><blockquote>of the unfortunate thief. The nephew was of a quarrelsome disposition, and</blockquote><blockquote>said before departing, "Maybe he will show his anger. Then we will give</blockquote><blockquote>him a thrashing'". They came to the camp, and spent some time there talking</blockquote><blockquote>with the house-mates of the offender. He, however, sat quite silent and</blockquote><blockquote>looked at the ground. 'He had not the courage to pick a quarrel. The quarrelsome nephew belonged- to a strong family, and</blockquote><blockquote>the number of his brothers was six. After the visit, they went home and</blockquote><blockquote>divided the spoil. The young buck was given to the nephew. The son took</blockquote><blockquote>the team, and the father the remainder. The neighbors said, "It is enough</blockquote><blockquote>for him, because he lost something dear to his heart, the driving-reindeer"<ref name=":4" />.</blockquote>
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