პელაგიუს II: განსხვავება გადახედვებს შორის

[შეუმოწმებელი ვერსია][შეუმოწმებელი ვერსია]
შიგთავსი ამოიშალა შიგთავსი დაემატა
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ხაზი 9:
Tras su elección llegó a un acuerdo con los sitiadores para que levantaran el asedio e inmediatamente envió una embajada, encabezada por el futuro papa Gregorio Magno, a Constantinopla para solicitar auxilio militar contra los lombardos que dominaban toda la península italiana.
He was a native of Rome, but probably of Ostrogothic descent, as his father's name was Winigild.
Pelagius appealed for help from Emperor Maurice against the Lombards, but the Byzantines were of little help, forcing Pelagius to "buy" a truce and turn to the Franks, who invaded Italy, but left after being bribed by the Lombards.
Pelagius labored to promote the celibacy of the clergy, and he issued such stringent regulations on this matter that his successor Pope Gregory I thought them too strict, and modified them to some extent.
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